6 News Years Resolutions for the Paddler in You
With the New Year kicking off, everybody is planning how to tackle their resolutions. For some, eating healthier is on the list, for others, it’s hitting more trails and lakes than the year prior.
Any resolution is a good one so long as you seek to improve yourself - but how about expanding the skillset of the adventurer and paddler you’ve become?
With our foldable kayak, you know adventure is always within reach, meaning the most accessible kayak experience you could ask for. In that case, why not have some resolutions that embellish your knack for paddling safety, technique and survival skills?
1. Introduce a friend to the sport
What better way to improve your paddling skills than by the side of a buddy. [Pandemic note: Someone within your “bubble”, of course]. Maybe start with some rental sessions to gauge their interest, but really nothing beats just coasting along on the open waters.
You’ll make a paddler out of them in no time. Plus, maybe one of their resolutions is to try new things - so hold them to it!
2. Try an Overnight Trip
If you’ve never paddled to your overnight camp spot, now’s the time to try. Most of the time you’re accessing prime spots that aren’t attainable by vehicle or foot travel - the world is your oyster.
Pitch some tents and enjoy a nice night of disconnecting from roads and the real world, surrounded by wildlife and the tranquil waters. Give this resolution a try and you may find yourself paddling to the next spot, and the next spot, and the next. If you’re stuck on what equipment to have and where to start, there are plenty of great blogs and resources online to set you straight, like our Kayak Camping Gear List.
3. Try a Challenging New Route
Assuming you’re a master of the roll (and okay with pushing your comfort zone), maybe it’s time to try the class 2 you’ve had your sights on for a while but have been too apprehensive to take on. This could also involve trying a sight or region that you haven’t seen before, expanding your horizons.
Safety comes first, obviously, but who knows, you might surprise yourself!
The topic of safety brings us to the next resolution that can be considered imperative:
4. Take a Swiftwater rescue course
Having skills on deck to potentially save a life are invaluable, especially when it comes to a sport that can be as dangerous as kayaking. Even if you aren’t savaging class 4 rapids, having a first aid certification goes a long way.
Plus, even more reason to convince your friend who wants to try new things to trust you on the water. The NRS has great resources on finding courses near you.
5. Take a Professional Paddling Course
Professional training in any trade or sport is seriously beneficial, you may be correcting bad habits you didn’t know you had, or simply improving on skills you thought you had under your belt.
You may end up learning something you wish you had a long time ago! Even veterans on the water can benefit from a lesson or two. Plus, it’s a great way to network and meet more fellow paddlers - the more the merrier on all your outings.
Check out Boat-Ed’s awesome comprehensive online course.
6. Consider Donating or Volunteering
If you’re in a position to do so, we recommend looking into the organizations doing frontline work to ensure proper funding, education and maintenance in the paddling community. If donating isn’t feasible, volunteering is always a great way to give back - whether it be office work or staffing events.
American Whitewater and American Canoe Association are just a few examples, and there may be local non-profits near you that are more accessible.
Wherever your resolutions take you this year, don’t forget to bundle up your K-Pak, ready for any adventure on any body of water!