Getting Crafty with Gear Storage - Apartment Style
Being a “minimalist” can mean a couple things, especially when it comes to organizing your home. Some minimalists cut down on unnecessary commodities in lieu of some extra space, but still have thousands of dollars in outdoor gear shacked up in some closet bursting at the seams. If that sounds like you - you’re not alone.
It can be a mess, especially for apartment dwellers who don’t have a ton of space to work with. If you’re struggling to get creative in figuring out how best to make use of the room you have - fret not. There are tons of easy, affordable and stylish ways to turn your apartment into your dream gear wonderland. We’ll walk you through just a few.

1) EDIT - Making Tough Choices
As with any project, doing some preparation is in order, which in this case means it may be time to ditch the hole-ridden Camelbak that hasn’t seen the light of day in years. That doesn’t have to mean dumping it, check out Craigslist, Facebook Market or eBay to see if there’s some crafty fellow out there willing to make a project of it.
Editing your current gear doesn't have to be all tough choices, though. You may find that it brings to light items you’ve been looking for, or cause you to identify which items you want to make the most readily accessible. Start with your essentials and work up from there.
2) Eyeballing Space
Once you’ve condensed most of your loadout to must-haves (it’s okay if you held onto a few pieces you were on the fence about), it’s time to look around and visualize some ideas. Corners that are freed up, empty wall space, room beneath your beds and furniture are all great starting places.
Walls and hallways are great places for pegboards and shelves, which can be for storing or hanging smaller miscellaneous items.
For those willing to compromise aesthetics for optimal storage (perhaps if you have access to a garage?), we recommend looking into a kitchen rack. The great thing about them is that they mainly take up vertical space - a key goal in this endeavor - and each bar on the rack can act as a hanging apparatus with some cord and a carabiner. You can also get creative with how you format what goes where on them - the middle rack can hang helmets, the bottom rack can be a shoe bin, etc.
If you’ve got an armoire or closet that is a bit bulky, but a non negotiable piece for the apartment, there are plenty of ways you can up its storage efficiency. Command hooks will be your best friend, throwing a few on the inside of the doors to make room for hanging hats and other small stuff. An additional lower hanging rod can also free up room for more hangable items, if you’ve got enough space below.
A good idea for inside a closet or closet door, is to hang backpacks or sleeping bags with command hooks, then use twine or some paracord to mildly strap it down which then acts as a “containment” system. On the day you leave, simply pop open the closet, shimmy your bag out and you’re good to go.
3) Bins and Rollout Shelves
They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, durability and security - do a little digging on which size and style is right for you. Personally, we recommend the Action-Packer by Rubbermaid, as they’re one of the most weather-ready, sturdy storage containers out there. Bins are great, stackable ways to efficiently take up space, and can be multi-purposed to act as temporary shelves or nightstands. Categorize each tub with an activity/sport and LABEL THAT TUB!
Once you’ve consolidated your bins by activity, they can be stowed under your bed or in the corner of a room. If you’re going for a bit less bulk and more transparency, stackable wire storage baskets are amazing for miscellaneous gear. They’re especially great for things that need to air out, like chalk bags and climbing shoes.
If you find that bins under your bed are too much of a hassle, we recommend looking into rollout shelves. They’re a bit more practical, and have less potential to become boxes of stuff you’re constantly shuffling to different spots in the apartment. Installing a few underneath your bed (or other suitable furniture) is a great way to commit storage space to specific gear/activities.
4) Gear Decor
Things like skis, snowboards, trekking poles - or just about anything, really - can be tastefully displayed to act as art pieces. This is your inventory, your arsenal, so take pride in your collection and get creative with your gallery. It’s a great way to make your living space feel like it retains a piece of you and your outdoor journeys.
Reorganizing and getting crafty with storage doesn’t have to be a slog. Think of it as a fun way to make your apartment fit your vibe using all of the awesome gear that helped you make memories that will last a lifetime.
You are an artist and the outdoors are your canvas - treat your home with the same love!

We hope you have a blast doing some digging and making your space feel like your own - it’s a great feeling when things fit and fall into place perfectly. Speaking of which, did you know that our K-Pak Folding Kayak packs down into a 21lb backpack that easily fits under your bed or in your closet? Talk about compact efficiency!
Now, a day out on the lake has never been easier. Swing open the closet, pick which hangables you’ll need for the day. Access your storage bin to gauge which essential garments and gear will keep you protected. Then, throw our K-Pak over your shoulder, lock up, and have the best weekend in months.